Jesus Calling October 29 2024. Jesus said to the pharisees: No one will snatch them out of my hand.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Jesus and his disciples came to the other side of the sea, to the territory of the gerasenes.
Hirst Considers Himself “An Ordinary Person In An Extraordinary Calling.” The New General Authority Seventy — Sustained At The April 2024 General.
I am leading you along the way i designed just for you.
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My presence enfolds you in radiant love.
1/29/2024 (Monday) Today’s Gospel Reflection / Homily / Sermon:
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27 My Sheep Listen To My Voice;
You are on the right path.
Listen More To Me, And Less To Your Doubts.
Beginning your day alone with me is.
I Know Them, And They Follow Me.